Just as the ancient Polynesians used stars to navigate through time and and space of the deep blue sea….
so can we!
You are here on a mission of light.
How do you connect with that celestial part of your soul?
How did you get here and what gifts do you bring to this planet?
Are you aligned to the Divine Feminine? To the Earth below and the stars above?
Is your heart yearning to go deeper?
To connect stronger to what is really going on here?
Lets get aligned
Now more hiding. We’ve got work to do.
You feel something deep within you shifting.
There is a calling in your heart to be more aligned to who you came to Earth to be.
Maybe you know the changes that need to be made in your life, but you are terrified to make them.
Or perhaps you aren’t sure exactly WHAT is out of alignment, but you know that things need to change and it would be nice to have some clarity and support as you make those changes.
You may need a Soul Realignment!
Soul Realignment is an intuitive process where I go into the Akashic Records to find out WHO YOU ARE at soul level. We look at the original blueprint of your soul, including where your soul is from, the gifts that you so naturally bring, and your purpose.
Most importantly we look at what is blocking you from being who you came to be.
We all have negative blocks and restrictions either from this life, or from lifetimes past.
I look to see what those restrictions are, and then together we clear them!
It is powerful, amazing and LIFE CHANGING.
Honestly, I find it similar to therapy, except it’s like a short cut where you get to process a lifetime of trauma in just a few weeks. You get to really know who you are and what you are doing here. You get to feel grounded and confident in moving forward with changes that you want to make, and you have someone there to root you on (that’s me!)
“Before receiving Reiki treatment from Alisha to aid in the healing of my emotional distress and chronic physical pain I was also suffering from on-going nightmares or night terrors. Not only did this physically affect my daily life, as I always seemed to be lacking in proper rest, but my nightmares were also playing into my emotional distress. It got to the point that I would worry at bed time about what I would dream about, and if I would actually be able to rest peacefully. During one of my sessions with Alisha she focused on my nightmares, and performed work on it during my soul realignment. To my surprise my nightmares went away immediately. It has been 5 months since Alisha performed the clearing on me and I am very pleased to say that they haven’t come back!”
J.H in Portland, OR
“Alisha completed my soul realignment a few weeks ago and I’m so glad I decided to try it! She was able to provide me with very detailed information about many things including blocks, patterns, past lives, and much more. The information she shared with me during my reading really resonated remarkably with my life experiences as they have played out so far. I immediately experienced an increased sense of hope and purity in my life, and situations are already evolving and healing in rapid and positive ways. I have been saying my Transmutation of Energy prayer for two weeks with one more week to go and enjoy the ritual of it. Thanks Alisha, for sharing your much needed skills with the world!”
Katelyn in Portland, OR